It is my goal to make sure you become a more whole and healthier you. Your health is your responsibility and my greatest concern. A whole and healthy you is the greatest gift you can give the world. The benefits of my years of experience, and expertise will help you live up to your responsibiility to yourself and increase the health and vitality of the gift that is you.
Here are some of the reasons that set me apart:
My Strategy:
Work with Churches and other Non-Profits, Beauty & Barber Shops, Yoga and Fitness Studios, organizations, businesses; small and large, Families, Couples and Individuals. With a primary focus on development around group health and fitness. Giving members tools that they can use on the job and at home, to work as their own immediate support group for improved health. Aiding your staff in developing programs for themselves, their families and the communities they serve. The book: The Obesity Myth You're Not OverWeight You're OverWaste, is the manual from which I will teach. Doing this will bring down the cost of healthcare for individuals and businesses.
My Goal:
Develop a high level of action and awareness around health and internal fitness within the local and grassroots leadership in every community that will expand to everyone in each given community. Take full advantage of the Group Dynamic that already exists every where people are working together; especially women. Doing so in a way that will build positive communication and acton, supporting one anothers growth in health.
My Vision:
Utilize the book Obesity Myth: You're Not OverWeight, You're OverWaste as a training manual for shifting the pardigm and language around health and wellness. Shifting the empahsis from Fitness to Internal Fitness to improve the way we manage and maintain our bodies.
Develop community partnerships across the board to create local, national and global initiatives to improve health indicators and basic knowledge among the general population. Thus lowering the impact of ignorance and the cost of wellness.
Are you or do you know of a community leader/activist or business owner who would like to improve their health and be a strong positive role model for healthy living? Free of disease. I invite you to become a part of this soon to be Human Initiative.
Are you a member of or know of a Health and Wellness Ministry or Committee in your church, or organization?Want to be a part of a model program to improve health indicators amongst your body, that will guide all toward better health? I invite you to also become a part of this soon to be Human Initiave. Get the Health & Wellness Ministry Survey for your church; click here.
Would you like to learn more about me, my services and vision?
I would love to hear from you. To send me an email click here.